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Traditional benchmarking implicitly assumes that decision making units operate in isolation from their peers. For arable production systems in particular, this assumption is unlikely to hold in reality. This paper quantifies spatial spillovers on input‐specific inefficiency using data envelopment analysis and a second‐stage bootstrap truncated regression model. The bootstrap algorithm is extended to allow for the estimation of the parameter of the spatial weight matrix, which captures the proximity between producers. The empirical application concerns Dutch arable farms for which latitudes and longitudes are available. The average inefficiency across years was 3.87% for productive inputs and 2.98% for damage abatement inputs under variable returns to scale. For productive inputs technical inefficiency, statistically significant spillover effects from neighbours’ age and their degree of specialisation depended on the type of the spatial weight matrix used (inverse distance or k‐nearest neighbours). Statistically significant spillover effects of subsidy payments were adverse while statistically significant spillover effects from insurance payments were beneficial. For damage abatement inputs technical inefficiency, statistically significant adverse effects were found for neighbours’ age and subsidy payments and beneficial effects from neighbours’ insurance payments and their degree of specialisation.  相似文献   
研究目的:实证检验土地细碎化对仅从事粮食作物经营的家庭农场和专业大户农业生产成本的影响方向及影响程度。研究方法:采用半对数模型,利用全国范围内776个家庭农场和1 166个专业大户的微观调查数据。研究结果:土地细碎化对仅从事粮食作物经营的"规模农户"单位产量总生产成本具有稳定的正向影响,即在其他条件不变的情况下,地块数量每增加1块,从事粮食作物经营的"规模农户"单位产量总成本将上升1.03%。从分项成本来看,在其他条件不变的情况下,地块数量每增加1块,单位产量化肥成本增加0.86%,单位产量种子成本增加1.23%,单位产量机械作业成本增加1.01%,单位产量其他成本增加0.94%。研究结论:相关部门在推进农业规模化经营过程中应更多关注耕地的细碎化经营问题;未来需在明确土地权属的基础上鼓励并开展土地细碎化整治行动;应鼓励新型农业经营主体坚持适度规模经营,在扩大土地经营规模时科学确定合理的规模边界。  相似文献   
基于北京市6个区县的183份养猪场户调查问卷,调查了生猪养殖环节的质量安全状况,并运用二元Logit模型,定量分析了养猪场户对猪肉溯源能力的信任水平对其质量安全行为的影响。研究发现:北京市生猪养殖环节存在质量安全隐患,主要表现为养猪场户兽药使用不规范,40.44%的受访养猪场户的兽药使用行为不规范;溯源能力信任显著影响养猪场户的兽药使用行为,对猪肉溯源能力信任水平高的养猪场户的兽药使用行为相比信任水平低的养猪场户更加规范;另外,受访者为女性、规模养殖场、通过纵向协作更为紧密的模式销售生猪、对限用药规定认知度低、认为生猪收购方质量安全检测力度强的养猪场户的兽药使用行为更加规范。政府应继续猪肉可追溯体系建设、支持规模化和标准化养殖、鼓励纵向协作紧密型生猪购销模式、建立生猪收购商登记在案制度、加大对养猪场户不规范质量安全行为惩治力度。  相似文献   
In recent decades there have been significant changes in land use and production orientation in certain marginal agricultural areas in the southwest of Spain. The abandonment of rainfed cereal crops and their change of use as natural pastures grazed by milk sheep, have led to an improvement in the profitability of the farms, greater industrialisation and a positive impact on rural development.This paper calculates the carbon footprint (CF) of farms in the context of life cycle assessment with the objective to identify the system that accounts for the lowest CF while maintaining adequate levels of profitability and revitalising the rural environment. The data were obtained through surveys carried out on dairy sheep farms of different typologies, ranging from the semi-intensive farms with small grazing areas, to the extensive farms with large areas of natural pastures. Findings could help farmers evaluate the environmental impact of their activities, while at the same time provide consumers with valuable evidence to be used in further marketing actions.Greenhouse gas emissions vary from 1.77 to 4.09 Kg CO2eq/kg of milk, where the lowest values correspond to the most intensive farms and the highest values to the most extensive and least productive farms. Enteric fermentation, followed by feeding, are the emissions with the greatest impact. Enteric fermentation reaches its maximum value (52.22 % of the total emissions) in the most extensive farms.On other hand, this study found that carbon sequestration varies between 0.09 and 2.04 kg of CO2eq/kg of milk, a figure that can considerably reduce the carbon footprint calculation and justifies its inclusion in the Life Cycle Assessment.  相似文献   
2018年8月,山东省潍坊市爆发了特大洪涝灾害,寿光等7个县(市、区)的养猪场户受灾严重,洪涝灾区养猪场户生产恢复状况成为政府和社会各界时刻关注的热点问题。基于230个养猪场户的调查数据,运用Logit模型实证分析了洪涝灾区养猪场户生产恢复行为的影响因素。研究结果表明:在230个受访养猪场户中,有52.61%选择恢复生产,有47.39%放弃恢复生产并转行;家庭年均收入、养殖年限、是否参加养殖合作组织、养猪业前景预测、有无政府扶持、有无金融机构优惠、有无社会捐助等7个因素对洪涝灾区养猪场户生产恢复行为具有显著影响。  相似文献   
The Food Safety Modernization Act of 2011 (FSMA) was the first significant reform in 70 years of the food production regulations governing the safety of human and animal foods produced for consumption in the United States. FSMA intended to provide policies that proactively prevent foodborne illnesses, establish science-based food safety standards, and include supply chain partners to ensure systematic prevention of foodborne illnesses. Yet these intentions may also drive small farms out of business, create food supply shortages, stifle food innovation, and harm the environment and consumer health. We propose that policy makers and managers consider reducing unnecessary documentation requirements, incentivizing innovative food technologies that improve food safety, improving the capacity and efficiency of testing labs, and increasing consumer awareness of food safety.  相似文献   
国际旅游岛建设是海南科学发展的战略选择。文章阐述海南国际旅游岛的理论变迁;基于海南国际旅游岛的建设背景,分析海南农垦发展热带农业生态旅游的现状;提出海南农垦热带农业生态旅游资源的开发模式。  相似文献   
以甘肃省"两州两市"为例说明中国最贫困地区农民收入的基本情况,分析农业结构调整、农业自身发展、农村面貌改善、农民收入状况和社会事业发展对农民增收产生的影响。甘肃省"两州两市"实现农民增收,要将促进农民增收作为总体思路和发展目标,重点发展特色农业,发展旅游业和家庭服务业为重点的生活性服务业,发展劳务经济,提高农民素质,推进新农村建设。  相似文献   
Microcredit emerged in the 1970s as a mechanism whereby virtually all poor individuals could supposedly escape their poverty through self‐help and individual entrepreneurship. Crucially, neoliberal policy‐makers found the microcredit concept ideologically compelling, and the international development community soon began to provide massive support to establish and expand the microfinance movement. Today, however, even long‐standing microfinance advocates now reluctantly accept that microcredit has actually had no positive impact upon poverty or ‘bottom‐up’ rural development. In fact, those rural communities most exposed to microcredit have been severely damaged in a number of ways, especially through sub‐prime‐style ‘boom‐to‐bust’ episodes. Largely because of its supreme ideological usefulness, the microfinance movement nonetheless still retains some support in the major neoliberal‐oriented international development institutions, pro‐globalization think‐tanks, and in a number of Western governments.  相似文献   
作为新型农业经营主体的主力军,家庭农场高质量发展需要具体实践与理论研究的良好互动。自2013年中央一号文件发布以来,家庭农场成为众多学者研究的热点,且研究内容与中央政策的导向高度契合,因而有必要厘清我国家庭农场研究的发展脉络、热点演进及前沿趋势。本文以中国知网数据库中2012—2021年在中文核心期刊、CSSCI和CSCD来源期刊上发表的以“家庭农场”为主题的学术论文为研究对象,利用CiteSpace软件对家庭农场研究的核心作者与重点文献、研究热点与核心体系、热点演进及前沿趋势等进行系统梳理和可视化分析,得出如下结论:(1)我国家庭农场领域的研究方兴未艾,经历了2012—2014年的爆发期、2015—2017年的高峰期和2018—2021年的稳定期;从事家庭农场研究的核心力量突出、新兴力量活跃,但跨机构的合作研究有待加强;重点文献形成了“基础性理论探讨—现实性实践探索—新时代背景契合”的完整研究体系。(2)家庭农场研究热点呈现“中心密集、多点爆发、拓展较广”的网络结构,且具有明显的政策指向性;各热点间综合交叉、互促互融,进而形成由“新型农业经营主体”“土地流转和适度规模经营”“现代农业禀赋”“乡村振兴战略”4大板块组成的核心体系。(3)各阶段家庭农场研究的侧重不同,但前后关联相继,研究内容由传统小农户转型、新型农业经营主体培育、农地流转和适度规模经营等逐渐拓展到家庭农场发展的影响因素分析与经济绩效评价,并积极开展新时代乡村振兴和农业农村现代化背景下家庭农场高质量发展的实践应用性研究,其中“经营绩效”“乡村振兴”“三权分置”“人力资本”等仍将是短期内家庭农场研究的热点。当前我国家庭农场研究与前沿经济学理论的契合还不够充分,经验分析的数据获取较为困难且研究方法受限,研究视角也有待进一步拓展。未来的家庭农场研究需要充分融合前沿经济学理论,构建更具时代指导性的理论框架,实现多学科、多领域、多形式的交叉融合发展。同时,要基于典型样本总结家庭农场发展的中国经验,并进行理论提升,进而为家庭农场理论发展贡献中国智慧,为世界各国的家庭农场实践提供路径借鉴。此外,还应积极扩充数据来源,不断改进家庭农场研究的实证分析方法,并契合家庭农场发展的时代背景(共同富裕、乡村振兴、农业农村现代化、数字化、绿色低碳化、智能化、网络化等)不断扩宽研究视角。  相似文献   
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